This game really wasn't good. Just to show you, here I am struggling to remember what exactly I did in this game today. It was really monotonous and it's affecting my memory :)
Let's see where I left off yesterday...oh yes. The first thing I did today was up my stats again at the hotel. I was really pissed off near the end when I realized that the more money I gave the clerk the more he raised my stats. If I had known that earlier it would have saved me a lot of running outside to save each and everytime I got a stat raised. I was also really pissed that every point of charisma after the 70th one was absolutely useless. Things cost as much at 99 than they do at 70.
New San Antonio. Unsurprisingly, when I talked to him he said he had a quick blade so I boughSo after raising my stats a bit I decided it was time to get the power armor. So, yes you guessed it, I killed monsters for money. Afterwards I bought the armor. At that point I had remarqued something funny; if I saw someone who was not moving in town then that person surely had something important to say. Well except for guards obviously. It got to a point where the only NPC's I talked to were the ones who weren't moving. There was one like that in the

Like I thought yesterday, the power armor was the key to space travel. This time when I launched the shuttle it stayed in the air. I was confused at first since it said "You are drifting through space!" and I was like what the hell? Then I hit H for hyperspace and it asked for some coordinates, at this point I was on the verge of pulling my hair out but then I remembered "She must be at 9-9-9!" and I typed in that. Like magic it worked and I was on planet x. Well, after crashing the first three times that is but after learning how to land I was on planet x. Nothing much to see there. In fact there's nothing much to see in this game so that wasn't any different.
I have no idea how I had the presence of mind to type in "6-6-6" to return to earth but I sort of thought it must have been that. Back down I killed monsters up to about 5000 at which point I bought the ring from the old man (thanks to the oracle for pointing that out). With the rest of the money I finished upping my stats, maxed out my hit points and bought as much food as I could. See pictures:

At this point I was finally ready for Minax. Thus begins truly the only really fun part of the game. I went to the the time of legends with the plane ready to wage war. I didn't meet much resistance outside since I had already wiped out everyone but once I got inside it got a little bit more interesting. I headed straight up to the throne and was ASTONISHED that she wasn't there! I couldn't believe it! Had I forgotten to do something before going? I couldn't think of anything so I looked for her in the castle.

I kept running around and couldn't find her. I was getting attacked from all sides but I was making mincemeat out of them. The castle is pretty messed up. You find all sorts of weird people like an insurance salesman (?) and a cleric who tells you to believe in the devil. Well I guess the cleric wasn't that strange but the insurance salesman sure was. At this point though I was on the verge of finding Minax but I had a problem...this invincible Balron was after me and he was literally taking chunks out of my HP every time he hit me! After running away from him I managed to trap him in a corner.

I was finally free to face Minax! The battle was sort of anticlimatic. I found her, hit her once, she teleported to another chamber, I hit her again, after five hits she dies. A weak game ends weakly, fitting isn't it? However the final line is pretty nice "All her works shall die!". Classic :)

Oh well. I'm done with this game and I couldn't be happier. I certainly don't regret playing, I had to. It's a game I played in my childhood and never understood but now I understand it. It's okay, there are worse games than that out there I guess. But I'll surely never replay it, once was enough. It will undoubtedly end up being the worse of all Ultimas I will play during my little journey. Now it's time to move on to Ultima III! Man am I excited about that one, Ultima III is probably THE Ultima of my childhood, it's the one I saw my father play all the time. I can't wait to finish it again!

Aren't you gonna play Escape from Mount Drash? heh it would change your perspective about Ultima 2 and it's not really that long... you can finish the PC version in around 10 minutes lol (the original can be around 20).
In my opinion Ultima II is not that bad. It's just an experiment and it has good things, like Shadow Castle, or finding one of the Castles from Ultima I in planet X (???).
Shadow Castle is pretty cool but it's the only good thing in the whole game if you ask me. It was nifty to find the Ultima I castle on X but I can't say it makes the game any better :)
Well I have no doubt that Mount Drash sucks bad, but then again it's not really an Ultima so I can't really put it against Ultima II.
Oh well I'll download it and see what's up.
"Awesome and retarded at the same time", LOL! Definitely.
After getting used by monsters as a punching bag for so long, I rather enjoyed getting a ship in the Time Of Legends and just cruising around cannoning everything and racking up the GP's. Yeah, but it did take forever to afford all nine lines of that daffy poem.
I think it was the shuttle that totally won my heart for this game forevermore. Thomas Schilling's "Major Tom" had just come out and I would go all over the solar system just to watch the planets scrolling by underneath while it played. God, that would make the BEST SCREENSAVER EVER.
You should have visited the other planets. Venus is all grass and way easy to land on; Mars is almost entirely mountains and it's a death-trap. No real action toward winning the game, but great flavor material.
And WTF was all that "KUEEN SUSAN" stuff on Planet X? It's like a thread that never got fully fleshed out. "The Queen is the King and the King is a Spy!" Huh?
I am still of the unshakeable opinion that Minax was teh hawt. Gotta love the bad girls. You know that biker chick "Rose Is Rose" fantasizes about? Yeah, like that.
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