Okay so I think my technique will be to keep the blog open at all times and just comment when I feel like it when playing the game. That will make for a natural sounding blog I hope.
So let's boot up the game shall we..oh just to keep you guys (and gals) in touch I'll be using Dosbox for Akalabeth, running it in Direct Draw and using the HQ3X filter. Not sure what good that will do to such an old game but we'll see. Let's start it up!
Okay just I just ran the setup and it detected my sound card (or at least the emulation of it). I had no idea I needed a sound card to play Akalabeth, are there actually sound effects in this game? Music even maybe? :| There isn't any music in UI and II so why would there be in this one?
Hey this is Ultima III's music, it was probably added at a later date, sort of like a 'remake'. Okay so here I am creating a character, it asks me what my favorite number is I type in 27 and the game crashes to desktop. Awesome, let's try this again.
And it crashes again. Okay so what is going on here? I'll check out the manual in case it is some form of copy protection, seems like a weird question to ask me.
Oh crap it seems that akalabeth doesn't run on the current version of dosbox. There is supposedly a dos remake somewhere that does work :|
I found the Dos remake. Seems to have added color to the game and some midi tunes. I'll download it and check it out.
I finally settled on the windows remake called Akalabeth 2k1. Seems nice enough, I hope there aren't too many bugs in it :)
God DAMN am I not lucky with this game or what? This thing is nearly unplayable it barely registers the keyboard for crap's sake! I'll try out that freaking dos remake version *grumbles*. Holy crap even that dos remake seems to be working funky, somehow once I buy some food the game freezes or something because I can't do anything. This is unreal can I please play this game? Someone? Please? Yep the moment I buy ANYTHING the game freezes. Awesome, simply awesome.
Okay let's try that Windows remake and jack up the keyboard sensitivy to like 10000.
Okay nothing's working I'm pissed off this sucks as all hell as ever sucked before. I'm not playing Akalabeth. It's not even an Ultima anyway grrrr.
OH crap. I managed to get it to work. After all that talk of playing the remakes in dosbox and whatnot I finally realized the akalabeth that comes on the Ultima Collection CD actually works in Windows XP simply by running the executable. Crap.
So I guess I'm off to play Akalabeth. I'll close this post for now since it's so long and convoluted.
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