Yes I'm done!
Doom wasn't very fun. It really felt more like the mazes in Ultima IV, as in quite mazelike and confusing. None of the other mazes are like that in Ultima V. It got to a point where I would shoot every wall of every room just to make sure.
The battles themselves were not too tough. Luckily my avatar was level 8 so I used IN VAS GRAV CORP profusely. That spell is really really good.
I was surprised that LB asked me for the sandalwood box. I was even more surprised when I replayed the ending and realized that without the box you can't finish the game. I honestly found that box by mistake, no one ever told me to look for it. Kind of crazy isn't it?
The last post is always pretty short from me, that's because at this point all I want to do is move on to the next game! That's what's it's all about: progress! I still haven't decided which game I am going to play next although I am still leaning towards Savage Empire, basing this on the fact that although Ultima VI is not necessarily better, it's probably bigger and more ambitious. And well, probably better too but who knows. In the end this Ultima quest is all about the main Ultimas so I'd rather keep those for the end and play the sidegames first.
However chronologically SE happens after Ultima VI so that bugs me a bit. I wouldn't want to be spoiled you know? I'll play them a bit tomorrow and make my final decision then. If Ultima VI feels like the superior game I'll go with the others.
There's always the possibility of doing SE, UVI and then MD. It would be weird, but possible. Choices, choices, choices.
I'll write my Ultima V review tomorrow and post it on the blog. Take care till then!

lol, the sandalwood box thing...
You should check out for Smith the Horse (in Ultima V he is in Iolo's place and he has an important clue for you! lol :)
Doom for me was a really difficult dungeon. I didn't use magic that much in my first play through the game.
I'm still thinking you should go in the chronological order of the games :)
(those 2 games are not really canonical... and I don't think you'll like them :) )
(Those 2 have some minor relation with the Orb you get in the intro of Ultima VI, aside from that, no major spoilers)
(this one contains spoilers
from u7, so play it like this)
Do you plan on going through the two Underworld games as well?
Dumb sandalwood box. I hated that thing. If you want to piss of some PCs, just make them haul around some item they can't do anything with and then have an NPC pick it up and immediately operate it. It's basically a DM's way of rubbing your nose in the fact that all autonomy is allowed only by their consent.
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